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Rajput Caste, Gotra And Marriage Rituals
April 17,2024 By Rahul

Rajput Caste is among the most important and common castes in the Indian caste system. “Rajput” is such a powerful word to hear and assume. People all over India have grown up listening to the heroic stories of Rajputs. The inspiring warriors in Indian history, such as Maharana Pratap, Prithviraj Chauhan, and Maharana Sanga, belong to the Rajput Caste.

On this online marriage site, you will get information about the Rajput caste, gotra and their marriage rituals. History and Origin of the Rajput Caste “Rajput”, Also known as “Thakur” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Raja Putra” which means “Son of the King”. Rajputs have also been mentioned in one of the four Hindu Vedas, “Rigveda”.

The cradle of the Rajput community has still been a mystery in history pages. The prominent myth of “Agnikula” states that the Rajputs originate from the sacred Fire Sacrifice.

According to the Holy “Ramayan”, Lord Shree Ram also belongs to this Caste. The Chronicles of Shree Ram’s Bravery and Vachan do not need any briefing.

The proven history of Rajputs started in the 7th to 12th century. Initially, the word “Rajput '' was used for the Physically powerful people who were in Military service.

Segmentation of Rajput Caste:

As per the Scriptures, the society is divided into four Varnas: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra. Rajput Caste falls under the Kshatriya Varna. Beyond this major subdivision, Kshatriya Varna has subgroups further.

Many Rajputs affirm to be Suryavanshi, Chandravanshi, and Agnivanshi (Descendants of the Sun, Moon, and Fire respectively). Hereafter, Rajputs are divided according to Gotras and castes. Rajput Caste has different surnames according to the different regions.

In the region of North and East India, Rajput surnames such as Bhati, Yadav, Bisht, Dio, Rathor, Negi, Bir, Kunwar, Napit, Gaur, Juyal, Sahu, Nautiyal, etc are used. In southern and Western India, Vaghela, Jadeja, Sisodia, Gehlot, Shekhawat, Solanki, Virk, Dhabi, and many more can be seen.

Rajput Gotra:

According to scripture and history, there were seven Rishis (Sage) when the universe was created. And accordingly, Every human being is the descendant of those seven Rishis.

The names of Gotras are based on the names of seven Rishis. Atri, Bharadwaj, Kashyap, Vashishth, Vishwamitra, Gautam, and Jamadagni were the names of the seven Rishis. Even today you can see the unique “Sapt Rishi Mandal” of stars in the Sky at night.

Apart from these, Every caste has a group of sub-Gotras. The belief says that people who share the same Gotra can not be married to each other.

Marriages in the Rajput community:

Rajput marriages are vibrant in rituals, traditions, and customs. These are the grand honoring of cultural heritage. As the groom and the bride both come from different Gotra, the customs in both families are quite different.

A wonderful ceremony of “Sangeet” takes place in the bride's house before the wedding but in the groom's house it is celebrated post-wedding.

The wedding ceremony starts with “Kundali Milan” where the Astrologer matches the horoscopes of the Groom and the Bride. Then “Lagan Patrika” (The invitation card with the wedding venue and time) is distributed.

The key rituals like “Saat Phera” ( Seven circles with seven promises around the Hawan Agni), “Baarat” (The Procession), “KanyaDaan” (Exchange of the Bride’s responsibility to the groom by her father), “Sindoor daan” (The ritual of applying red vermillion to the Brides forehead by the groom), and Bidaai (Farewell of the bride from her father’s house) makes a Rajput wedding complete.

f you are willing to get married within the Rajput community visit “Rajput Matrimony” to get a perfect partner.

Rajput Lifestyle
Rajputs define the word “Royalty” with a true meaning. They live like a King or Queen as they used to do long ago. Rajputs are known for their Pride, Bravery, and Honesty. They are proud of their traditions and they respect their ancestors as a priority.

As Rajputs were meant to be physically strong from the beginning, they are still working on their fighting and self-defence skills. Martial Arts is the most common life skill among Rajputs. Living in fabulous Forts and Havelis runs into the blood of Rajputs. They prefer to live in luxurious accommodation.

Rajputs are the hobbyists of Art and Culture. They hold command over literature, Painting, poetry, Music, and Dance. The foods and Outfits of Rajputs have been in the limelight for centuries. Most of the Rajputs are Non-Vegetarian and in rural areas, Rajputs still go for the Shikaar (Animal Hunting).

Based on behaviour, Rajputs are Hospitable, Helpful, Energetic, Friendly, and Peaceful. They have adopted modernity but never disconnected their roots from their traditional culture.


In a nutshell, Rajputs are Brave, Powerful, and Peace-loving. They follow their cultural traditions with all the customs. They live an amazing and happy lifestyle. Rajputs are fun-loving and prove themselves as true friends. The customs in the Rajput community are mind-blowing. Rajput marriages are awesome and joyful. The Rajput community is such a Vital and Lovely community.